Quand Toulouse-Lautrec regarde Degas : Musée Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi

17 May - 4 September 2022 

The exhibition will bring together paintings, drawings and prints from public and private collections, mostly French. The project aims to highlight Toulouse-Lautrec's admiration for Degas, his elder, and to reveal how this admiration influenced Lautrec's production, mainly between 188 and 1895. Both artists shared a belief in the expressive power of drawing, the importance of layout and framing, bold cut-outs and diagonals, and an interest in rendering the movement of bodies. Both explore different techniques and focus on the figure, whether human or animal. But beyond these formal relationships, the exhibition also explores the artistic and friendly circle in which they evolved, which included the Dihau family, Suzanne Valadon and the Italian artist F. Zandomeneghi, a follower of Degas.

On the occasion of the exhibition: Quand Toulouse-Lautrec regarde Degas, Helene Bailly Gallery will lend three works by Edgar Degas "Danseuse regardant la plante de son pied droit, première étude", "Baigneuses", "Femme s’essuyant" (1888-1892) and two works by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec "Jeune cavalier enfourchant sa monture" (1880) and "Mademoiselle Béatrix Tapié de Céleyran" (1882) to the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum in Albi.